The logo's round corners makes it optimal for both large and small size usage, conveying a friendliness and approachability. The logo exist in two version - one primary logo and one for use in small sizes. The latter should be used when the logo is set smaller than 40mm/120px in width. The logo has coloured version that makes it work in both negative and positive version.

Lilcat logo on light backgrounds

Lilcat logo for use in small size on light backgrounds

Lilcat logo on dark backgrounds

Lilcat logo for use in small size on dark backgrounds
Clear space
To ensure optimal appearance of the Lilcat logo, it is important to have space and the right distance around the logo. We call this 'a clear space'. The image below shows the recommended amount of space around the logo. The minimum distance is set to be the height of the 'l' in lilcat. More room will, in most contexts, create even better results.

App symbol
Lilcat's app symbol is a section of the logotype - the cat's tail. This app symbol can be used in colour or with image placed in the shapes. Colours can be reversed or updated throughout seasons. Lilcat is only written as a username and should not be part of the icon. The name of the app must always be written in with a lowercase 'l'.

Below you can find all logo files as downloads. Logos for print are defined as CMYK files while logos for digital use are defined in RGB values.